Monday, March 20, 2006

One week since I posted last. Everything is going OK all training sessions completed and eating very clean. I did have a meal free night on Friday night and I did enjoy it.
The start of week 3 another 3 weeks and my training program changes. From what I have been reading it looks like I am to expect another weights training session from 3 to 4 per week and the cardio to increase too.
I took my measurements yesterday and weight. Weight is down to 74.6 and I have lost 8cm from the waist. Gives me a bit more motivation to keep going. I find that by around 3pm I get really tired. But I suppose that is understandable as I am up from 4.45 each morning. As much as I would like to do my cardio in the morning (as they say it burns more fat then) the only days I can achieve this is on the weekend.
In the two cardio sessions yesterday I managed to clock up just over 11.5km. 1st session was 45 min walk jog and the second was 1hr brisk walk (keeping my heart rate at around 132).
I did a weight session on Saturday (leg and biceps) increased the weight a little on a few exercises, and felt it yesterday. Not to uncomfortable though.
Today is upper body, abs and cardio. Just as well that I have already cooked dinner and made lunches for hubby and myself for the following day as It is going to be a long session today. I estimate around 2 hrs.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Friday night was a success. I had my first temptation on Friday night. Hubby and I had a social outing to go to.............Free alcohol. I was good and stuck to diet coke, even enjoyed myself. Only had a few nibbles as I found them too greasy.

I did my upper body workout and cardio early Saturday morning. I think doing a workout in the morning is not such a good idea. I had a lot of trouble finding the oomph to push the weights. Cardio was ok.

Hubby is on night shift this week so I will try to do my cardio in the mornings before I leave for work as I will have the car which leaves me a bit more time to achieve my training.

Weighed myself on Saturday morning. Starting weight was 76.6, Saturdays weigh in was 75.3kg. Will do measurements next Saturday.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Completed my one hour fast walk. Put the treadmill on 5.8 and a incline of 2% kept my heart rate at around 142. I felt a bit stiff as I started but the old muscles soon loosened up. It was a nice feeling to know that tomorrow is my day off. My upper body is feeling good now but the lower half........ well even my butt cheeks hurt. I dropped a tic tac on the floor this evening and just stood there and looked at it, I then informed hubby that I could not bend down to pick it up, (he is so good as he accommodated my needs and picked it up for me). He keeps laughing every time I groan when I try to move suddenly but I will have the last laugh on him as on Saturday its time for him to start some weight training (all this week he has been using the indoor rower for his training sessions, keeps saying that he is working up to doing the weights). I think it is only fair that he feels some pain to...........................

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Legs day...................I am still recovering from my upper body workout and the legs feel a bit sore from my cardio training yesterday. I felt a bit tired when I arrived home from work so I had a little nana nap before doing my leg & bicep workout. This took me an hour I then cooked dinner. Steak (it was sooooo nice to not eat chicken or tuna) waited for an hour then proceeded to do my cardio. (Half hour of 1min jog and 1min walk) I found this quite relaxing after yesterdays cardio.
Tomorrow is no weights training, which is good as there is not much more of me which does not hurt. I do have a 1 hour cardio (walking and ensuring that my heart rate stays around 135). Friday is my day off and I will be looking forward to that. I know that that seems like a short week with only 4 days of training but Monday was a double really I did 5 days worth of training in 4.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Training yesterday was great. For the first time I used the treadmill at a speed of 7.8 - 8 for 1/2 hour non stop. Kept my heart range around 180 - 185. Still feel a bit sore from my last upper body work out.

Eats were clean however at around 3pm I had to eat some fruit as I was soooo hungry. I think that I need to have my protein drink at around that time. Yesterday I had it around 1.30. I also allowed myself 1 extra cup of tea (3 in total).

We received an invitation to a farewell party this Friday. Which is my meal free day and rest day. I will keep away from any alcohol and try to select my food. I have put to much hard work in so far (even though it is early days in my challenge) to stuff it up.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Day two. I completed my training yesterday as planned ate clean. My upper body work out I really pushed myself and already 12 hours later am starting to feel the effects. I know by after lunch today I will be very sore. It normally takes me 24 hrs before the DOMS set in.

Was going to ride my bike to work this morning but it was still dark when I left for work so had hubby drop me off and I will walk home this avo. By the time I arrive home I should be warmed up for my cardio training, 35 min of hard jogging, heart rate around the 70 - 80% range, then abs and bicep work out.

Have a wedding to attend in five weeks so I will eat clean until meal free days.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Day one is finally here, 83 days to go. Today is a public holiday for me so I thought I would take the opportunity in doing a extra cardio session. It is just gone 6am and I am about to start a 60 min walk. This avo I will do a 30 walk/jog session and this evening a upper body work out. I don't know how I will go at restricting my tea intake to 2 cups per day. I usually have at least 5.

I have prepared my meals for the week and documented both meal plans and exercise plans. I will try to post every couple of days on how I am feeling. But now it is time to get my butt out of bed and feet on the treadmill as I am hungry and can't eat until I have done my first session.